Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Floating thought

So this question popped in my head the other day and I've been trying to flush it out ever since:

Are we as people more afraid of rejection or more afraid of the truth of that rejection?

I'm going to try to dive into this thought over the next few days but it really has my head spinning so I have to consider it. Here is what I have so far:

When I was a kid I filtered everything I did through the lens of "what my friends would think". What I wore, what I said and how I said it was determined by them. I remember having to sell candy for school going from door to door and just hating it. I was always afraid of the "no" response but in my mind I pictured some big man screaming at me for disturbing his Swanson frozen dinner. Was it the no I was afraid? There is more to it than that. For me I was afraid of the possible truth associated with that rejection. Here is what I mean. I was the youngest of 3 sibling so that made me the baby of the family. I was fed well as a child which gave me a little pug. I had in the back of my mind thoughts of what people might say about me. You see, I knew I was fat I just didn't want anyone else to point it out for fear of embarrassment. My association to rejection, and for I believe many people, is tied to a truth. Let's face it, I was chunky. My life revolved around what my friends thought and the so-called truth of their thoughts. What I have learned over the years is that while it may have been truth it is not "defining truth".

Those truths associated with that fear of rejection absolutely never define us. Fat, ugly, dumb, not good enough, cocky, never wanted, annoying, uncool, and the list goes on. I might be chunky and yes I may not have been grace with Michael Phelp's body but so what! There is a truth that trumps that non-sequential truth. It's God truth. Who does he say I am? Who does he say who you are? Do you know? Have you bothered to look or are you walking around wondering what others think? In the end their truth won't matter. So who are you...really? What is your "defining truth"?


Unknown said...

yes yes yes. powerful reminder of THE truth. thanks, i needed that.