Tuesday, October 28, 2008


So the reality of it all is that I am 4 weeks away from moving my family back to Tampa. I have never been more sure of this calling but at the same time never been more scared, worried, uncertain of the future, and the list goes on. The battle wages within. Paul was saying a mouthful when he said that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers we don't see. Everything for me is internal. But I find myself at war most often when I choose not to connect with God. Everyday I am becoming increasingly aware of my need for Him. When I don't connect I find my mind worried about a job, scared if our home will sell, wondering what this new place will be like. My whole day is consumed with the circumstances in life. In those moments I am not connected to God I am connected and consumed by the insurmountable circumstances I find myself in. But the opposite is true when I choose to connect with God, when I choose to put all of those circumstances aside and sit with my creator in the midst of chaos. It's not a denial of the fact that I need a job to provide or the fact that i haven't sold my home, but instead it is an acknowledgment of His peace. That's what the writer meant when He said there is a peace that goes beyond understanding. Today I am fighting to live in peace even in the midst of my circumstances. Today I am fighting within to connect to my creator and find peace and joy in this journey.

I pray God that today you would move my heart close to you before you move my hand to make a call or move my mouth to make a decision. Help me God to stop and consider you and the peace you have. Let my friends who read this blog stop and remove themselves from the circumstances of life and remember you are God. May we choose to connect with our creator today even in the midst of all that is happening in our worlds.


Sam Mahlstadt said...

well said. Our faith cannot be dependent upon circumstances, I have a mentor who says that...

Sara said...

i'm truely going to miss you both.
you have no idea.