Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Mercy vs. Judgment

James chapter 2 prescribed to me this morning a healthy dose of mercy. Verse 13 says,
"because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment."

That leaves me wondering, when am I not merciful? Than answer is when I forget my judgment. Stick with me. Recently I have found myself becoming a little frustrated sometimes with the students I minister to. They have so much great potential for God but they either don't see it or choose to ignore it. In moments of my frustration I want to jump up on my soap box and tell them what they are doing wrong and how to get it right. Can I stop right there for a second. That's where mercy escapes me. I've forgotten the fundamental thing I deserve, death. I'm flawed and always will be to some degree or another. I haven't arrived as much as I think I have. I'm not all that. But when I get around people that are flawed in areas that maybe I used to be but not so much anymore I get an unrealistic expectation that they should not have that flaw. Why is that? Do I think my flaws aren't as bad as theirs are? How dumb is that.

Mercy comes down to one word, awareness. If I am aware of how flawed I am and how much I need God's mercy in my life I will be more quick to extend the same mercy that I am so in need of. Father, may your mercy prevail over my life and may I become evermore aware of the judgment I deserve and yet the mercy you have given me. Help me to be filled with that mercy today. Amen.