Thursday, April 2, 2009

Once Save Always Saved????

Do you believe it? Once save always saved, is that really what the scriptures say? Thoughts?


Nick J said...

I've been wondering allot about that too since last semester. The only thing that has come to mind for me is rejecting it. I have nothing to back that up though...

Unknown said...

Here are a few scriptures to read:
John 10:29
John 6:37
Hebrews 7:25
Hebrews 10:10,14

Love you guys... Enjoy


Sam Mahlstadt said...

If you are lukewarm I will spit you out of my mouth. That's a bold statement from Jesus himself. I think the heart of that question is more so, what do I have to do to get into heaven? If Jesus is your Lord and savior, you will follow him and your life will center around him. It's not how close you can get to the line seperating heaven-bound and hell-bound, you follow him or you don't.

Jaime Kent said...

good thoughts. I wonder if our culture is creating a group of Luke warm followers Sam?

Sam Mahlstadt said...

I think lukewarm followers are lukewarm because they have decided they don't need to serve. Consumerism is a direct opposite lifestyle to servanthood, and it threatens those who claim to be Christians but don't have "the mind of Christ." our society centers around consumerism, but our message must center around Christ, no matter how uncomfortable it may be.

Daniel F. Wells said...

I know that Jamie may roll his eyes when he hears me utter the name "John Calvin." :-) But, I think this imperfect reformer who was used by God in a mighty has one of the most beautiful, biblical, and balanced perspectives on eternal security.

Our "election" in Christ, according to Calvin's interpretation of the Scriptures, is found not in ourselves or how righteous we claim to be. Our assurance and the solution to our doubt is found "in Christ" who is the "mirror of our election." In other words, if you wish to know the security of your salvation, look to faith in Christ and he is your assurance.

This theme of solidarity or "union" with Christ is one of the most comforting New Testament doctrines. Not only is my justification a result of my union with Jesus, but my righteousness (imputed from Christ) is found in being united to Christ by faith. Not only that, but my sanctification (growth in grace) is found in Christ. Finally, one's glorification is found in the One who is preparing a future glory for us....Christ!

Such a soteriology has been found to avoid the polarities of legalism and antinomianism. One is not "once saved, always saved" no matter what. We are to persevere in the faith, but praise be to God that Jesus is both the author and "perfector" of our faith (Hebrews 12:1-2). Thus, we are secure "in him" and our election is truly by grace alone. Such an election spurs one on to good works.