Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Go know you want to

James Chapter 4 says a mouthful but what gets me is what he says in verse 8:

Draw close to God, and God will draw close to you.
James 4:8 (NLT)

I know what it says but do I know what it means? Remember those Suzuki commericals where the kid is coloring and something is saying "stay within the lines" but the kid doesn't listen. I think it's more fun to color outside the lines but even more than that it's more creative. God made us that way. We are creative beings not intended to do the same thing over and over again. Variety in my relationship with God has been the best thing for me. I'm not sure I could handle the monotony of drawing close to him the same way everyday. I know that we must have some staples in our lives like healthy habits in order to connect like maybe a specific time of day or a particular place, but maybe it's time to explore some new ways to connect. Maybe it's showing up for a prayer meeting that you wouldn't normally go to or taking a walk through nature. I'm not sure what it is for you but for me I like to change it up and it works. So I'm going to keep getting creative and draw outside the lines a little more and watch God show up. Draw outside the lines.


Stephanie said...

Good thoughts! I think that is what I struggled with the most this past year is feeling a bit stagnated in my walk with God. I think when you've been a Christian for a long time sometimes things tend to become more commonplace and we lose the sense of wonder, gratefulness, excitement etc. about our relationship with Jesus. This especially hits me when I talk to someone who has only recently become a believer and I see their intense hunger for the Word and for time with God. It reminds me that every day is a new day and that I will never get the "end" of God. There's always something new and exciting and I have to be open to new things so that I can experience that. If I try to do my devotions the same old way and expect different results, it doesn't make too much sense. So I appreciate your encouragement to "draw outside the lines".